Wednesday 28 January 2015

City Hall Wedding - a posepack

You'd be forgiven if you thought I'd disappeared or died or something, but I haven't! And here I am with a new pose pack. There are a lot of wedding packs floating around, but none were just how I needed it for my legacy story. So I had to make one. There are two adult poses, two child poses and two toddler poses. All are list compatible and snap together.

The wedding bouquet is from BEO (not included) and the flower for the child/toddler poses is from Severinka (also not included).

If you, for some reason, need the names for the poses, you can find them here under the pictures. Sorry there's only the one picture of the child and toddler walking - I plain forgot to take more pictures.

Download here (Box, zipped)

Couple's pose:

Child/toddler walking pose:

Child handing flower to toddler: